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Requirements for candidates
Ideally you have the following skills and experience:
- Previous working experience as a Partner Sales Manager
- 3-5 years experience within the Sales domain, preferably coming from a Finance product background
- Understand the importance of performance metrics when it comes to Sales; and are able to identify potential
- opportunities through reporting and analysis
- Proven examples of experience working with B2B Sales
- Fluent communication skills in English and Estonian
- Experience with implementation and execution of new sales strategies, or optimisation of them
- You excel at networking and maintaining professional relationships, and are an excellent negotiator
- You can work independently
- Are able to travel and have a drivers license
Job description
Banking is moving out of banks and becoming a part of customers daily digital lives. Inbanks financing solutions are embedded seamlessly into the shopping journey of 5,000+ retailers. This helps our merchant partners to grow their businesses while end customers get to benefit from a frictionless shopping experience wherever they are. With a focus on innovation and growth, we are looking for talented people to join our team of 300+ people working across our offices in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the Czech Republic.
Due to our growth ambitions, we are looking for a talented Partner Sales Manager, in Tallinn, Estonia.
What will you be doing?
- You will take care of establishing and maintaining relationships with the partners of Inbank
- Taking ownership and be responsible for growing sales
- Consult with the partners on the issues of purchase of goods in installment
- You will educate and get the employees of our partners familiar with our systems
- Generate new partners and sales channels
- Perform analysis of the market and generate new ideas or iterate on existing ones for sales growth
What we offer
What You'll have in return:
- Growth opportunities for both your role and for you professionally;
- Agile and high-performance development culture and plenty of start-up spirit;
- Flexibility in working hours and place of work;
- Competitive salary and benefits package;
- Additional health insurance, an extra week off after 3rd year;
- Team events and personalised training plan.
At Inbank we strive to have an inclusive and diverse working environment, so we welcome you to apply even if you do not match all the points here but think you would do well.
Selle ametikoha keskmise palga info leiad aadressilt palgad.ee.
- Tallinn, Harjumaa, Eesti
- Täistööaeg
- Inglise
- Eesti
Jorick Polderman
Jorick Polderman
Pangandus liigub pankadest välja ja muutub inimeste igapäevase digitaalse elu osaks. Inbanki finantseerimislahendused on integreeritud sujuvalt enam kui 5000 kaupmehe ostuteekonda. See aitab meie partneritel oma äri kasvatada, kliendid aga saavad valida individuaalsete makseviiside vahel just seal, kus nad parasjagu viibivad. Innovatsioonile ja kiirele kasvule keskendudes otsime oma rahvusvahelisse meeskonda uusi talente.
Banking is moving out of banks and becoming part of people's daily digital lives. Inbank's financing solutions are seamlessly embedded into the shopping journey of more than 5,000 merchants. This helps our partners grow their business, while customers can choose between individual payment methods exactly where they are. Focusing on innovation and rapid growth, we are looking for new talent for our international team.
Sarnased töökuulutused:
Sales/Claims Support Specialist
Noorem aktsia-analüütik
Account Executive