Töötukassa vahendatud pakkumised


Nurse assistant / nursing technician

Tööandja nimi

EURES Sloveenia


Nurse assistant / nursing technician job in General Hospital Jesenice.

Nõutud keeleoskus

  • EN, kõne: B2, kiri: B2, kohustuslik
  • SL, kõne: B2, kiri: B2, kohustuslik

Muud nõuded

Education: upper secondary technical education (duration 4 years – european qualification framework 4).

Certificates and qualifications: in the register of practitioners in the field of medical or midwifery care.

IT-skills: computer literacy.

Other requirements:
- Possess a natural aptitude for technical knowledge and manual dexterity
- You enjoy teamwork
- You exhibit self-initiative
- Possess empathy for patients and their families
- Communicate effectively and non-confrontationally
- Exhibit diligence, consistency, and responsibility
- Demonstrate the capacity to act swiftly, use judgment and decision-making, and solve challenging professional and work-related issues

Omalt poolt pakume

Company offers:
- Probationary period and a mentor during the induction to work.
- Stable employment.
- Plenty of training opportunities.

Benefits under the Family Friendly Company certificate:
- Reduced working hours due to family commitments.
- Children's time bonus - school entry and kindergarten induction.
- Additional days off with pay in lieu for exceptional family reasons.
- Socialising among employees.
- Reintegration after a long absence.
- Newborn baby endowment.
- New Year's gift-giving to children.

Kandideerimise info

The application must include: - A CV, preferably in chronological format. - Evidence of the qualifications required, showing the level and course of training, the date of completion of training and the institution from which the training was obtained. - An indication of the length of notice if the candidate is employed by another employer. Please send your application documents to kadri@sb-je.si or info@sb-je.si .

Tähtaeg: 12.05.2024

Töösuhte kestus: tähtajatu

Vajalikud dokumendid

  • CV
  • kaaskiri
Monthly gross salaryGross/mo  € 1134 - 1552



Time of work

  • Full-time
  • Full-time with shifts
Contact person
Sabina Mubi
+386 4586 8216
EURES Sloveenia, üle-euroopalise EURES töövahendusvõrgustiku osana, vahendab kohalike tööandjate tööpakkumisi, kus otsitakse tööjõudu Eestist.

Company websitehttps://www.sb-je.si/

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